Open letter to Mr. Sachin Tendulkar

To Mr. Sachin Tendulkar

Open letter to Mr. Sachin Tendulkar
Image Source - Bollywood Hungama via Wikipedia
Letter of a non cricket lover to God of cricket; Sachin Tendulkar

A Open Letter to Mr. Sachin Tendulkar

Dear Master Blaster

Or I should say,“God of Cricket”. In childhood, I used to write letter to “God- Who Created human” for fulfilling all my dream, but never thought of writing to “God –Created by human”.

Even having the fond of movies, a weeks ago when my husband asked me to accompany him for “SACHIN- A BILLION DREAMS“ I was like..Eawww..sachin..why should I, couldn’t imagine watching myself cricket or movie related to that, even in my dream. But being “Bhartiya Nari” & following the philosophy of “spending quality time together to strengthen the relationship” I said Yes, thanking the Developer and my fondness of “Candy Crush the game” since it was the only option to spent to 2 hrs ,22 minutes.

Being born as “Women” we already have the right to take time little bit more for getting perfectly ready but in 2017, I am automatically been shifted to“Selfistaan” and got another strong contention for being late. I captured 13 selfies, along with your huge banner, with my beloved hubby, with a cute pout and different posses.

So after these finally when we were entering to hall, the sound first came to my ears was ”SACHHIIN! SACHIN !!  SACHHIIIN! SACHIN!!” and felt “something” I don’t know what that was, but it was quite similar to what I feel when we all stand for national anthem before movie. I rushed to get my seat quickly.

I have charged my phone to full, as I always have doubt on android phones but forgot the thought of using that after reaching there.  

 For the next two hours, I watched the movie with full curiosity because, had no idea about the single match they were providing detail about.

At the time you got injury on your nose while playing with Pakistan, and downcast spread amongst the audience of stadium , I closed my eyes and prayed as it’s a live match & my prayer would work, and you said “Mai Khelega”, I just open the eyes having a drop in it.

I regretted not watching the “Cricket “so long.

Your passion towards the “World cup”, hitting Century just after the death of  father, Dedication & Discipline towards cricket, all these passed a inspirational vibration in my veins and perhaps it runs to each youngster when they watch you playing even now on television. Thanks for making India proud throughout your journey.


When you were entering to ground for retiring speech , I just wanted to get up and say “NO-PLEASE DON’T GO”,holding my husband’s hand as tight as I could.

When you were thanking to your wife, I found her luckiest perhaps because of “comparing nature of female”

The last line you said that you love to hear the slogan “ Sachhin sachin” and entire hall started shouting “sachhiin sachin” one of them was me, “ little low in voice, but deep from heart”


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